Can I Type in a Word and Turn It Into Art







Creation Fourth dimension

Make Results Different

Make Private


AI Fine art Gallery

API Access

Add this service to your app, website, or workflow with the Hotpot API.

Self-hosted solutions are available.

API admission requires payment. Contact us for pricing.

Custom Styles

For custom styles, be specific. For instance, "Oil painting of water lilies with vibrant brushstrokes using a happy color palette" is better than "lily flowers". Come across below for example instructions and see here for case outputs.

Custom Examples:

  • Oil painting of water lilies with vibrant brushstrokes using a happy colour palette
  • A portrait of Taylor Swift with harmonic colors of purple and xanthous
  • An underwater explosion with vibrant colors
  • A painting of wine glasses with harmonic colors and thin brushstrokes
  • Happy raindrops in the style of Vincent Van Gogh's painting, Starry Dark
  • The sea at sunset in the style of an oil painting, with smooth gradients of majestic and yellow and vivid, happy colors
  • Creative oil painting of the ocean at sunset, with smooth gradients of purple and yellow
  • The dusk over the desert in the style of Claude Monet using bright and harmonic colors
  • Flying fish in the manner of Pablo Picasso using smoothen gradients of yellow and blue

To modify seed images, provide specific and realistic directions. Our AI is good, but not God. Guide our AI toward reasonable changes to the seed image with simple, concrete instructions.

Seed Image Examples:

  • Bad: Make our founder as handsome as Brad Pitt
  • Expert: Fantasy oil painting in blue colour
  • Bad: Brand our founder look less awkward in this prom photo
  • Good: Gorgeous watercolor painting with royal and yellow hues

Pricing & Licensing

Buy credits for commercial utilize and shorter wait times.

Free images are licensed nether CC By-NC.

For legal purposes, nosotros store cryptographic hashes of generated graphics -- only not the graphics themselves. This allows the states to identify Hotpot creations.

Wait Time

  • Cosmos takes 20 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the settings. If traffic is high, information technology may take three-6 hours.

    For faster await times, please buy credits. Paid users can skip the line. (Paid users subsidize free apply.)

    Waiting sucks. Sorry. We're working hard to fix this. Google/Azure employee? Contact u.s.. We desire to break upwards with AWS.

Art Maker FAQ

  • What do "Brand Private" and "Make Results Dissimilar" do?

    Complimentary creations are viewable by the public in our AI Art Gallery. Public creations are anonymous.

    Enable "Make Private" to continue creations out of the public gallery. This subsidizes free users. Paid creations are private by default.

    By default, our AI tries to produce consequent results if you lot reuse descriptions. "Brand Results Different" tells our AI to act unpredictably. If yous reuse the same description, our AI will effort to produce different images.

  • Can I sell graphics or use them for NFTs?

    Yes, simply first buy credits: ane license per graphic.

    Second, treat Hotpot as a digital helper who augments your workflow, someone who helps brainstorm and automate tedious work -- merely not someone who eliminates the creative process. Nosotros cannot guarantee uniquess anymore than Photoshop can. Information technology is possible for someone to produce something comparable with other AI or software, much like whatsoever logo or graphic can be reproduced.

    Ultimately, it'south your responsibility to make unique graphics and honor intellectual property laws. To make this easier, use our AI Fine art Remixer to uniquely mode creations or employ seed images.

  • Can I close the page?

    Yes. First salvage the image URL under each result, and cheque subsequently. If you lot have an business relationship, creations are saved to your account.

    Paid users get more storage. Please purchase credits to save all creations.

  • Can you lot guarantee unique creations?

    No service can guarantee this, simply our AI Fine art Remixer lets y'all uniquely style each creation. Using custom seed images also increase uniqueness.

    Even if we prevent others from reusing your identical prompt, others may use similar prompts and produce similar results. If another graphic looks 90% the same, is yours truly unique? The safest way to treat Hotpot is like a digital helper who augments your workflow, someone who helps brainstorm and automate tedious work -- but not someone who eliminates the artistic process.

  • What is creation fourth dimension?

    Creation time defines how long our AI spends creating your graphic. Typically, more time translates into more than details and higher quality, but this depends on the fashion you're aiming for. Sometimes less polished, more abstract graphics are more desirable.

  • Tin you lot promote my fine art or NFTs?

    Aye! Please tag united states of america on Twitter and Instagram if yous want to show off your awesome Hotpot creations.

    We love promoting people with compelling stories and cool art who collaborated with Hotpot. Tag us, share details virtually your background, your work, and how Hotpot helped. We'll do our best to amplify your story on social media and with bloggers.

  • Will AI supervene upon humans?

    If you believe this, we recommend using Siri more oftentimes. :)

    On a serious annotation, nosotros see AI more as "augmented intelligence" -- technology that augments people rather than replaces them. In the long term, it is possible scientists and researchers invent general intelligence that one twenty-four hours displaces humans, but that 24-hour interval is certainly not today.

    Those who deride the limitations of machine learning overlook how many paid homo tasks require piddling intelligence. More than concretely, humanity could benefit immensely even without AGI.

  • I'grand on a budget. Can y'all offer a discount?

    Yes, contact us. Our pricing philosophy is to help the poor and charge the rich.

  • Google/Microsoft employee or Nvidia shareholder?

    Delight reach out if you work at Google or Microsoft. We're prepare to break upwardly with AWS. Nvidia shareholders, please accomplish out or broker an introduction to Jensen. The company could unlock billions in shareholder value with ane tiny change.

AI Tools

Explore other Hotpot AI tools.

These assist y'all remove backgrounds, create AI art, make personalized art, upscale images, restore pictures, do copywriting, colorize pictures, remove objects, and more.

Research Credit

Our applied science enhances enquiry from the amazing OpenAI, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg Computer Vision grouping, bmtm, Benjamin Trom, and Jack Qiao.

A fire sword in the fashion of pixel fine art.



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